Welcome to Portneuf!
By Stéphane Lépine, May 17 2021
Welcome to this new blog on the region of Portneuf. You read it right—it’s a first! The region is finally coming out of the shadows to reveal itself to the world. Well, I’m exaggerating a bit. It’s just that Portneuf is often said to be a secret natural treasure begging to be discovered. But the word is getting around about our exceptional tourist sites, and more and more visitors are being drawn to the region.

Many of you have had to leave to study elsewhere. And I’m guessing you had to explain to your new friends where Portneuf was. City folks think Portneuf is near Beauce or Mauricie! But no worries, this is all about to change—Portneuf is putting itself right back on the map!
Now you might be asking, “Just how are you going to do that?” By getting people to talk about our region, of course. As long-time residents of Portneuf, we have always recognized our region’s natural splendour. It’s not for nothing that we named the road leading to Vallée Bras-du-Nord “Petit Saguenay.” It is also the stunning views that catch our eye around each corner. There are countless examples, such as the panorama from the end of the Portneuf wharf, the hilltop scenery before arriving in Saint-Ubalde, or the majestic pastoral fields alongside our charming country roads—all are worthy of becoming a social media sensation anywhere in the world.

But it is not my intention to name all the interesting sites to explore in Portneuf! Our new website will help you discover numerous interesting places to visit. Working with our various collaborators, we will present them to you in greater detail over the coming weeks.
I just wanted to take a few minutes to address my fellow residents of the RCM of Portneuf. Wherever you may be, look up and behold the magnificent landscapes that greet you every morning. Take a good long look at them and tell yourself that you live in one of Quebec’s most beautiful regions!