Gourmet tours

Local products available on site!

No visit to Portneuf is complete without a gastronomic tour of its scrumptious, lip-smacking delicacies. Naturally, visitors seek out our gourmet dishes. Stop by one of the many farm kiosks or boutiques to enjoy our region’s delicious flavours while chatting with our passionate producers. As you venture across Portneuf, tasty wonders await you at nearly every corner.

From the start of summer to early fall, the stalls at the public markets in Deschambault-Grondines, Saint-Casimir, Pont-Rouge and Saint-Raymond are adorned with fresh products. The market garden produce kiosks decking the incomparable Chemin du Roy also offer an unparalleled gastronomic experience.

Our local fine cheeses, wines, microbrewery beers, artisan bread, fresh or processed fruits and vegetables, coffee, chocolate, honey and maple products will spur up your taste buds: it’s Portneuf’s guarantee to you! What’s more, a number of local businesses have grouped together under the label Portneuf, Culture de saveurs to promote what the region’s agrifood producers have to offer.

Plateau charcuterie froiamge

Épicerie l'Ambroisie

  • Culture de saveurs
  • Gourmet boutiques

Épicerie l’Ambroisie is a testament to excellence in customer service and gastronomy. In addition…

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La Coulérable

  • Culture de saveurs
  • Bakery and confectionery

La Coulérable is all about tapping into the sugar maple tree. We offer interpretive tours…

Ferme Achille

Ferme d'Achille

  • Culture de saveurs
  • Gourmet boutiques

Ferme d’Achille is dedicated to growing and processing sea buckthorn. On site, the magic happens in…